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Caffeine Exposed - Interesting Facts About Caffeine You Never Knew

By Jeremy Chin
Posted on 08 Dec, 2018

How to run super duper fast

Caffeine. Svelte, inviting and dripping sex appeal. She makes promises. And she has kept them. So you have never asked questions. Allowed her to wander anonymously in the shadows.

We've undressed her for you. Look, if you so wish.


1. Coffee Has Twice The Caffeine Of A Can Of Red Bull

Red Bull CanThe common perception is that energy drinks have crazy amounts of caffeine. In truth most contain modest amounts. A can of Red Bull for instance contains about 80 mg of caffeine, compared to a cup of coffee which has between 95 to 200 mg. Energy drinks tend to be high in glucose than in caffeine.



2. Caffeine Is Not Addictive

hookNeither is masturbation, medically speaking. But ask any compulsive who is trying to cut back on their vice, and they will tell you otherwise.

It is the mind that gets hooked, not the body, the medical journals proclaim. We get dependent on the source of the caffeine, maybe even in the ritual of consuming it, but not really on caffeine itself.

However, as a stimulant to the central nervous system, caffeine does cause physical dependence over time. But when caffeine is measured against substances in the ilk of cocaine and amphetamines, it is at most categorized as a mild stimulant, not addictive. (American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse)


3. Decaf Does Not Mean Caffeine Free

There are three primary stages in the decaffeination process.


The caffeine in the beans are dissolved using water or steam


The caffeine is drawn using activated-carbon, chemical solvents, carbon dioxide or osmosis.


The bean is returned as close to its original state, but without the caffeine.

Unfortunately, whichever extraction method is employed, not all of the caffeine can be seduced from the bean, and trace amounts persists. A regular cup of coffee contains about 180 mg of caffeine. A cup of decaf will have a modest 5.4 mg, but still caffeinated nonetheless.


4. Bees Dig Caffeine

beeCaffeine makes floral nectar more palatable for bees. The likelihood of a pollinator returning to a plant increases by up to threefold when there is caffeine present. A memory association is also formed with the odor that comes with caffeine. Bees that have had a taste of caffeine within the past 72 hours will reveal their tongues when exposed to the scent of caffeine.


5.Caffeine Can Kill

Caffeine has an effect on your nervous system, heart rate and blood pressure. Too much can be detrimental, especially if you have high sensitivity to the substance. Often, genetic predisposition determines your susceptibility.


6. Caffeine Causes Bone Loss

Fish BoneCaffeine leeches calcium from your bones. For every 100 mg of caffeine you consume, you lose about 6mg of calcium. Any calcium loss could be offset by consuming more calcium, like through milk.


7. Dark Roast Coffees Have Less Caffeine Than Lighter Roasts

Coffee BeansDark roast. It’s black, it’s bitter and strong enough to knock your teeth out. Stronger in flavour, yes, but not in caffeine.The longer coffee is roasted, the more caffeine is burnt off.


8. Caffeine Really Messes Spiders Up

Spiders on CaffeineA study of psychotropic drugs conducted by NASA showed that spiders exposed to caffeine lost pretty much all their ability to weave together a proper web. Looks like NASA has broadened its area of expertise to cover more than space trips.


9. The Less Caffeine You Consume, The Better It Works

With prolonged use, caffeine attenuation occurs. This is when the novelty of caffeine wears off and the body starts to neglect it. For maximum effect, consume caffeine once a day, at the time you want to be most alert.


10. Caffeine Is Not Good For Pregnant Women

Caffeine increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy. Also, because of its diuretic properties, caffeine can lower your fluid levels and cause dehydration.

Pregnant SymbolThe impact of caffeine on mother is less worrisome than on the child. Caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby. While you may be able to handle the amount of caffeine you feed your body, your baby cannot. Your baby’s metabolism is still maturing and cannot fully metabolize the caffeine. Caffeine can trigger irregular fetal heartbeat and also changes in your baby’s sleep pattern.

If you must, the The National Institutes of Health recommends no more than 300 mg a day during pregnancy

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